Digital News Report /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The Park City Center for Public Policy, Imadgen LLC, and Johns Hopkins University are releasing a report titled “Defending Cyberspace: Protecting Individuals, Government Agencies And Private Companies Against Persistent and Evolving Threats.” This report details the threat faced by American business owners, manufacturers and government agencies of cyber-terrorism and its growing impact on national and economic security. The report concludes with a series of policy recommendations and actions that should be taken to combat this threat.
The report will be released at a press conference at the National Press Club on Thursday, December 11 at 9:30 am in the Lisagor Room. Former Governor of Michigan and current President of the National Association of Manufacturers, John Engler, will discuss the urgency of cybersecurity and the pressing need to take action as it relates to the manufacturing sector. Also in attendance will be Jim Souby, President and CEO, The Park City Center for Public Policy, Gary Glickman, President, Imadgen, LLC and the author of the report, Tom Stanton, Johns Hopkins University.
The report is the final product of the Defending Cyberspace Symposium that was held last May in Washington, DC. The agenda featured public and private experts engaged in a conversation about the real nature of the threat. Thomas Shelman, President, Defense Group, Northrop Grumman Information Technology stated, “You are fighting a war. It is an advanced persistent threat. It never goes away, the tools change everyday. You do one thing the enemy does another. You do another thing, they do another. It is a continuous thing…that’s why it is called an advanced persistent threat…” Governor Engler stressed that in order to combat cyberthreats, the government and industry need to work together.
Seven action items appear at the conclusion of the report that can inform a variety of actors from the new Administration, to the CEO and CIO of a business, to the ISP providers and individual actors. These specific items will be discussed during the press conference.
The steps outlined in this report lay the foundation for all the work and cooperation that will be necessary to combat this advanced persistent threat. The next step for us is to host the second Defending Cyberspace Symposium in Washington, DC scheduled for June 2009.