Digital News Report- After an autopsy on Monday, Bahamian officials determined it was a seizure that caused Jett Travolta’s death. An undertaker stated that there was no sign of head trauma. Glen Campbell, assistant director of the funeral home, told The Associated Press that the body is in “great condition,” despite police officials who had said the teen hit his head on a bathtub.
Jett Travolta was, the son of actors John Travolta and Kelly Preston, was found on the bathroom floor early Friday morning by a caretaker. After an unsuccessful attempt at CPR, he was raced to a nearby hospital where he was pronounced dead.
Controversy has surrounded the Travolta’s death, as his family was a member of the Church of Scientology, whose stance on modern medicine has been questioned by many in recent years. The most talked about incident was Tom Cruise’s criticism of Brooke Shields’ use of medication to treat her postpartum depression. The Travolta’s have denied rumors that Jett suffered from autism and insisted that his condition was due to Kawasaki Syndrome.
The Vasculitis Foundation has released a statement describing Kawasaki Syndrome. They’ve stated that Kawasaki Syndrome, “usually strikes children under the age of five. [and is] most commonly in children of Asian and Korean descent. Although most children diagnosed with Kawasaki recover with no problems, some patients suffer serious heart problems and joint damage.”
Tommy Davis from Scientology International has stated, “Scientologists seek conventional medical treatment for medical conditions. Scientologists use prescription drugs when physically ill and also rely on the advice and treatment of medical doctors. The church does not involve itself in the diagnosis or classification of any medical condition.”
Tory Christman, an ex-Scientologist who reached the second highest level, OTVII, has discussed her experiences with the Church numerous times on her youtube chanel. Her most recent entry describes being forced off of her Epilepsy medication while in the church and having frequent seizures as a result and highlights the parallels between her own experiences and what may have happened to Jett Travolta. Christman has offered her sympathies to John Travolta, whom she helped supervise at the Celebrity Center in Los Angeles, as well as his family.
Jett Travolta’s body will be cremated in the Bahamas before the Travolta’s return home to Florida for a service. Tommy Davis describes a Scientology funeral service as, “[celebrating] the life of the person who has departed his body. Friends and family have the opportunity to say goodbye, to acknowledge and thank the person for what he or she has done in this lifetime, and to wish them well as they move on to their next lifetime. The service is a reaffirmation of the knowledge that we are immortal spiritual beings.”
Tory Christman claims that she was ordered off her seizure medication by the CoS but she forgets to say that such illegal orders were promptly overturned by higher CoS authorities, and that for the 30 years she was in Scientology she was allowed to take her medicine, as confirmed by her 2003 affidavit.
Tory Christman affidavit is the best proof there is that Scientology is not against seizure medicines where needed.
Google “Tory Christman” affidavit 2003