Digital News Report– Controversial filmmaker Michael Moore was spotted at the Senate Finance Committee hearing about the rescue effort, which may be a clue as to the focus of his next film. He left before the hearing ended, presumably to avoid reporters. Moore, who directed Farenheit 9/11 and Bowling for Columbine, reportedly interviewed Rep. Marcy Kaptur on Monday, according to an aide. Kaptur is known for being outspoken against government financial bailouts.
The name of the project is up in the air at the moment as the Internet Movie Database simply credits an “Untitlted Michael Moore Project” about the financial crisis. The film may be ready as early as the fall. A recent post on Michael Moore’s official website has a please to people who work on Wall Street to come forward and help him with his next documentary. He doesn’t go into any further detail about the film and merely states, “I just can’t say much right now. I’m sure you understand why.”
Moore’s last film, Slacker Uprising, was released exclusively online for free. It highlighted the race between Kerry and Bush in 2004, particularly focusing on the youth vote. His two previous films, Sicko and Farenheit with 9/11, were highly anticipated. Moore is perhaps best known for Bowling for Columbine, which won him the Palm D’Or at Cannes.