Digital News Report– Former Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin will be stepping down from her position as the Governor of Alaska in the coming weeks. Lieutenant Governor Sean Parnell is expected to take over her position on July 26th.
In a press conference on July 3rd, Sarah Palin referred to herself as a “lame duck” and stated that though it was an “uncomfortable” decision, she would be handing power over at the end of the month. She described the current state of politics as a “superficial, wasteful bloodsport.” She also announced that she would not be seeking re-election in 2010.
Governor Palin started her political career in 1992 when she was elected to the city council of Wasilla. She then spent three consecutive terms as the mayor of Wasilla before running for Lieutenant Governor. Though she lost her bid, she was appointed to the Alaska Oil and Gas Convervation Commission. She resigned from the position due to a “lack of ethics” by fellow Republican committee members.
Palin gained national attention when she became the Governor of Alaska in 2006. In 2008 she joined the Republican ticket with John McCain. Though they lost, Palin continued to get headlines. She did not elaborate on her future in politics.