Digital News Report – St Patrick is Ireland’s patron saint who was born in either Scotland or England but was kidnapped as a teen-age boy. Later he escaped to devote his life to the ministry.
There is a debate concerning his birth and death dates, but it is believed he was born around 387 AD (maybe later) and died around 493 (probably earlier). Scholars believe he was born to a Roman / British army office named Calpurnius. His real name is believed to be Maewyn Succat.
Succat was kidnapped when he was just 16-years old and sold into slavery in Ireland. While is slavery he had a vision. After six years of hardship he was able to escape back to England and then may have traveled to France where he joined a monastery. He studied under the bishop of Auxerre.
He dreamed of returning to Ireland and did so with the Pope’s blessings. He traveled throughout the north and west teaching the gospel. He began converting and baptizing Gaelic Irish, who were then mostly Pagans.
Patrick, (Patricius was his Roman name), was arrested several times after upsetting the Celtic Druids. Evidently he was able to escape each time. For 20 years he traveled the land setting up monasteries, schools and churches.
It is believed that he used the three-leaf clover (Shamrock) to signify the father, the son, and the holy ghost (the trinity).
There are two other Patron Saints of Ireland including Brigid of Kildare and Colmcille.
By: Jael Kirk