Digital News Report – It is getting more difficult to acquire a credit card, especially for consumers with a bad or poor credit history. New credit card rules and the lack of available credit have put a bind on credit consumption.
Consumer credit has decreased, according to a Federal Reserve report this week. Fewer people are using their credit cards, but we still need them. Credit cards are necessary for renting hotel rooms, rental cars and in some instances can be used as a second form of identification.
If you do not have a credit card, there are some things you can do. Even if you have bad or poor credit, you can get a credit card and turn your credit score around.
The first premier bank offers their First PREMIER® Bank Classic Credit Card. They say they have nearly 3 million credit cardholders and it is easy to apply. They are accepting customers with fair to bad credit.
Another card is the Aventium® Classic Credit Card. The company accepts people with bad credit and “no” credit. The Aventium Classic Credit Card is open to anyone that wants it “regardless of their credit score”.
The Aventium card is great for people wanting to establish or improve their credit score. The company says they report to the major credit reporting agencies. This means that if you pay your payments on time, your credit history will reflect it.
By: Tina Brown