Digital News Report – On today’s ‘Dr. Oz Show,’ medical experts shared about symptoms and risks associated with gastric or stomach cancer. Later on, experts discussed foods and supplements that could help prevent cancer.
Since the 1960’s the rates were dropping for stomach cancer, but in 1993, the rate in women has been on the rise explained Dr. Oz. African and Latino women are at a higher risk for developing stomach cancer. However, since the mid 1990’s there has been an increase in Caucasian women as well.
Stomach Cancer Symptoms
Dr. Peter Kozuch, MD and Dr. Robynne Chutkan, MD, are both experts on stomach cancer. They explained the warning signs and symptoms of stomach cancer, as well as the risk factors.
Dr. Kozuch explained that whenever there is cellular damage, genetic mutations could happen that could lead to cancer.
Dr. Chutkan explained the three main factors that could be contributing to the increased rates of stomach cancer. One risk is that people’s eating habits may have changed dramatically contributing to the higher rate of stomach cancer occurrences. It may have been possible that stomach cancer has changed to a more aggressive form. Lastly, increased amounts of H Pylori bacteria in the stomach could increase the cancer rates.
Symptoms of stomach cancer include feeling full fast, pain, nausea, and bloating after meals. Most people that have indigestion do not have stomach cancer Dr. Chutkan assured viewers. However, if you have ongoing nausea that progress to vomiting, this could be stomach cancer. In addition, if you have multiple symptoms this should cause concern. Another red flag is if you have a rapid progression of symptoms. So if you experience symptoms that seem to be getting worse, or severe symptoms, or multiple symptoms have a specialist look into the stomach to see what is going on.
Stomach Cancer Risk Factors and Prevention
Nitrate and Nitrite containing meat products – Stomach cancer risk is increase by eating a regular diet of cured and smoked meats because they contain nitrates, and nitrites that are known to produce cancer-producing substances. Dr. Chutkan said that an occasional hot dog is ok, but not every night.
Salty foods – Dr. Kozuch said that salt might also damage the mucosa lining in the stomach. Eat less sodium.
H. Pylori bacteria – Over half of us are infected with these bacteria, but most people are asymptomatic said Dr. Chutkan. The bacteria bore into the lining of the stomach causing chronic inflammation. The stomach acid can damage to the lining of the stomach she explained. It is the leading risk factor for stomach cancer.
Family history – The BRCA gene can also increase risk for stomach cancer as well. Dr. Kozuch said that if there is a defect in the tumor suppressor genes, it could contribute to a higher cancer risk, including stomach cancer. Some are getting their stomach removed because of the genetic predisposition for stomach cancer. The good news is only a small percentage of stomach cancer is inherited. The genetic factor could be higher if a family member was diagnosed with stomach cancer before the age of 40 or multiple family members have been diagnosed explained Dr. Chutkan. She added that genetic counseling could be helpful to determine the risk factor.
Smoking – Smoking is another risk factor.
Foods that could Reduce Stomach Cancer Risk
Dr. Neil Barnard MD who is a Nutrition Researcher from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine was on the next segment of the TV show. He explained foods that could be eaten to help prevent a number of different kinds of cancer.
Citrus fruits including tangerines or Clementine oranges are beneficial because they are loaded with vitamin C and help to remove the free radicals. The citrus peels have flavonoids and is also a cancer fighter explained Dr. Barnard. You could eat other citrus fruits for cancer protection and he suggests eating one citrus fruit daily.
Sweet potatoes and Carrots – The beta-carotene is the compound found in carrots and sweet potatoes that cause their bright orange colors. The beta-carotene protects against the free radicals as they approach the cell explained Dr. Barnard. Sweet potatoes also have caffeic acid that can choke off the blood supply to the tumor in addition to the beta-carotene. He suggests eating around three carrots per week.
Brussel sprouts contain sulforaphane that causes the liver to make enzymes that will kick out toxins from the body explained Dr. Barnard. He adds that the benefits from eating Brussel sprouts can be seen within the first 24 hours of eating the vegetable.
Garlic and onions are good for cancer prevention because they contain the allicin compound. He said to let the chopped garlic or onions sit for around 10 minutes before cooking them because the allicin compound occurs when it is cut or smashed. The onions have similar benefit. Eat one clove of garlic a day.
Supplements that can Reduce Cancer Risk
Dr. Oz shared supplements that can help prevent cancer. All the supplements are commonly available.
Zinc is important for immune function. Take a multivitamin that contains 8 mg of zinc per day suggest Dr. Oz. Zinc could be beneficial for breast cancer prevention.
Calcium might help prevent colon and rectal cancer. Studies show that calcium supplements have a 24 percent reduction in colorectal cancer risk explained Dr. Oz. He suggest taking a 600 mg calcium supplement combined with 400 mg of magnesium daily. The magnesium would help to prevent constipation he explains.
Omega-3 supplements might help to prevent skin cancer. Dr. Oz explained the omega-3 fatty acids might help to improve a protein enzyme that can fight off cancer cells.
Pantry foods that can Prevent Cancer
Dr. Will Clower PhD. is a Nutritionist and founder of Mediterranean Wellness. Often he has people complain that making healthy food takes too long and too much effort. He shared the about the health benefits of canned and dried foods that are stored in the pantry.
Orange vegetables have beta-carotene; you can buy canned squash that will still offer the benefit. In addition, there is plenty of potassium in the canned pumpkin and the butternut squash soup. Women who eat orange foods have a reduced breast cancer risk he said. He suggests eating orange vegetables three times per week.
Dried beans have antioxidants. Red beans have something that can cause the cancer cells to commit suicide. Colon cancer and lung cancer risks can be reduced from eating dried beans. He suggests eating 1 cup of red or pinto beans three times per week.
Cruciferous vegetables – In the pantry you can eat sauerkraut. He explained that cabbage fermented into sauerkraut degrades into three or four other cancer fighters. All fermented foods prevent colon cancer. Sauerkraut can reduce the risk for prostate and breast cancer he explained. You can eat the sauerkraut as often as you can eat them. He did warn that people do not know how to eat sauerkraut and risk putting it with something bad like a hot dog. Instead, make a pork chop with sauerkraut, or even put it on a sandwich he suggests.
By: Robert Williams
Entertainment Reporter