Digital News Report – Five of the biggest complaints Dr. Oz viewers grumbled about were their looks, not having enough energy, a lacking libido, or a bad memory. On today’s ‘The Dr. Oz Show’, the doctor shared about five ways to recharge your body to make you look younger, be smarter, and have more energy in only five days. Dr. Oz called this show his Super Power Hour. He discussed how to improve a wide variety of ailments including, memory, senses, energy, and more.
On the first segment on the TV show Doctor Oz discussed the five ways in five days to improve the common complaints viewers had. He conducted a survey to find out what the top ailments were, and then he offered ways to improve upon them.
Five Ways to Recharge in Five Days
Day One – Improve Senses
The first ailment that viewers complained of was a loss of feeling, smell, or tasted. One test to see if you are losing sensation of touch was demonstrated on the TV show. Dr. Oz had the audience press the backs of their hands together to touch the wrist while the fingers pointed down. If there was a feeling of tingling after a few seconds, it could be nerve compression. Dr. Oz suggested people that had a loss of sensation of touch to take a B12 vitamin with a dose of 10 mcg daily because it might help with nerve issues.
The next sense that is lost is taste. Dr. Oz warned that weight gain could occur because the taste buds might not appreciate the food as much. To test if you have a problem with taste, take one gram of zinc sulfate mixed with 1 liter of purified water. Put it in your mouth, but do not drink it. Does it taste metallic or not? If you do not have a metallic taste in your mouth, you are lacking zinc said doctor oz. You can swallow the zinc sulfate if you do not taste the metal. He said that if you are low in zinc to take a supplement pill of 15 MG daily. He said it could take 2-3 weeks to get your sense of taste to return.
Another sense that is lost is the sense of smell. Dr. Oz had another test for smell. To do the test, take an alcohol pad swab and open it up at the belly button, level to see if you can smell it. Continue to move it up towards your nose until you smell it. If you smell the swab at 8 – 12 inches away from your nose is normal. He said that if you don’t smell the swab until it is between the adam’s apple to your nose, it is not normal. Dr. Oz recommended taking the supplement alpha lipoic acid 600 mg daily to help improve the sense of smell.
Day Two – Reduce Wrinkles and get face to Glow
Another common complaint is that skin on the face is dull and not as vibrant and could have wrinkles and dry patches. Doctor Oz recommended using a spice tincture to apply to the face to improve skin color and reduce the look of wrinkles.
Nutmeg and cinnamon are the spices he suggests using on the skin. Nutmeg helps to improve the pigments of the skins and the cinnamon can plump the skin to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Do ex-foliation first before using the spice mixture on the face. To make the spice mixture, use a coffee maker and a filter to brew 6 tsp each of nutmeg and cinnamon with 2 cups of water. After the water is cooler, you can then use it as a body and facial wash.
Day Three – Improve Libido
If you have found that your libido is gone, your not alone. Doctor Oz suggest foods to improve libido and foods to avoid.
Foods to avoid include Edamame soybeans, coffee, and sauerkraut. The edamame soybeans contain a phyto-estrogen component that could disrupt the hormones that regulate libido. Coffee is bad because it spikes the cortisol hormone that also kills libido. Dr. Oz said that sauerkraut was in the middle between good and bad because it has a lot of sodium.
Foods to improve the libido include watermelon, garlic, and pears. Watermelon increases the blood flow because of a amino acid in the food called citrulline. Garlic contains allicin, which is believed to open up the blood vessels. Dr. Oz also recommended eating pears, but did not explain why on the TV show segment.
Day Four – Relieve Joint Pain
The next common complaint that is slowing people down is pain preventing them from moving around. Things such as joint pain, sore feet, and knees are common ailments as we get older.
Doctor Oz suggests to sooth the pain and then to stabilize your knee to take away the pain. He suggested using Arniflora arnica gel which sells for around $10 to soothe the pain. Put on the ointment on the sore joint and then use support gauze to wrap around the knee joint to stabilize it.
Day Five – Improve Memory
The last common complaint was the loss of memory. Doctor Oz recommended several foods that can improve memory. He gave reasons why each food was beneficial for improving the brains function.
How to Check inside Eyelids for signs of Anemia
Later in the TV show, they discussed a simple way to check for symptoms of anemia. Pull down your bottom eyelid and see if there is a red line or not. If there is no red line or the inside of your eyelid is very pale in color you might be anemic. Foods such as shellfish can be high in iron.
Chia Seeds used as an Appetite Suppressant
The next segment, discussed a super food ingredient to help quell your appetite. Dr. Oz said there is a new super seed on the block, chia seeds. Remember the chia pets? Those are the seeds. The chia seeds are high in protein, minerals, fiber, and calcium. Because they swell up when eaten they can help to suppress appetite naturally.
The chia food could help be a craving tamer because the seeds expand 9 times its own weight. They expand so you can’t fit the same amount of food in your stomach. Eating about 1 ounce or 3 tablespoons per day of chia seed was what an expert on the chia seeds on the show recommended. Chia seeds can come in a ground up powder as a supplement.
They then demonstrated how easy it is to make a Low Calorie Chia seed muffin. They mixed together ground chia seeds, whole-wheat flour, baking soda, mashed sweet potato puree, apple sauce, egg whites, agave nectar syrup, vanilla extract, dried cranberries, lemon zest. The muffins are high in protein, and have around 11 grams of fiber and are under 150 calories per serving. The chia seed muffin recipe is available at Doctor Oz’s website.
By: Robert Williams
Entertainment Reporter