Digital News Report – The Obama loan modification plan has recently been modified to help Americans keep their home while helping banks hold down the default rate. The more homes on the market for sale the lower home prices will fall.
So far the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) has not yet performed as hoped, but this may change over the next year. Created by the Financial Stability Act of 2009, it was designed to stop the foreclosure of 7 to 8 million struggling homeowners.
More lenders are signing up for this government sponsored program. So far there are more than 110 participants (lenders).
The program will benefit homeowners who owe more than their house is worth. Since the decline in real estate values many Americans have found themselves underwater. It is difficult to refinance a mortgage when the house is worth less than the existing mortgage.
It is also designed to help workers who have been laid-off. Unemployment has skyrocketed over the past two years leaving many Americans struggling to keep their home.
It helps to be current on your mortgage payments. It may be advisable to take advantage of this program before becoming delinquent.
By: Tina Brown
Help–have friend that would qualify–laid off but now working–where can I find names of partic. banks in Kentucky.