Digital News Report- Three former United States Presidents, current President George W Bush, and President-elect Barack Obama gathered in the Oval Office at the White House today. With all of the major events around the world including the Israel-Palestinian conflict and the crashing U.S. economy, Clinton was the one who decided to break the ice with his insightful comment, “I love this rug.”
The Oval Office looks much different from when Clinton resided at the White House. Each new president has the honor of redecorating the office, including adding a new rugs. In President George W Bush’s case, it is a $61,000 sun shaped rug in yellow, gold, and tan with the presidential seal in the center. This replaced Clinton’s dark blue rug, which had a red trim.
President Bush left the decision up to his wife, Laura Bush, and told her that he wanted it to be “optimistic.” The rugs time in the Oval Office is coming to an end as it will soon be shipped off to Texas, just like our current President. Former Presidents Carter, Bush, Clinton, current President Bush and President-elect Obama all stood on this optomistic rug for a rare and historical photo-op
Changing the topic from the ever so exciting rug conversation, Bush said, “one message that I have, and I think we all share, is that we want you to succeed. Whether we’re Democrat or Republican, we care deeply about this country.” Obama stated that he looked forward to receiving “advice, good counsel and fellowship” from them.