Digital News Report- With all of the excitement surrounding the historic inauguration of President-elect Barack Obama, some conservatives have decided to use January 20th to launch a new website, David Frum, former speechwriter for President George W. Bush and popular blogger for National Review Online will lead the blog, which they boast will be a new voice for conservatives to renew and reform the GOP.
“If the public rejects your party’s message,” Frum says, “it doesn’t do much good to repeat that same message — only louder.” The website is still seeking contributors, including those that will appeal to new constituencies such as “the young, the college-educated, women, and minorities.”
“I want to feature new voices on the site: young writers and writers from backgrounds not usually heard in the blogosphere,” Frum says. “And we will try to build a new conservative online community by opening our site to civil and pertinent reader comments. It is often our readers who have the most interesting and informative things to say.”
Inauguration day will feature contributions from Michael Powell, former chairman of the Federal Communications Commission; Ken Kurson, Rudy Giuliani’s presidential campaign chief operating officer; Douglas Holtz-Eakin, domestic policy chief for Sen. John McCain’s presidential campaign, John Gardner, former White House deputy staff secretary and general counsel to the Agency for International Development and many others. Frum himself will live-blog Barack Obama’s inaugural address.
The site will also offer a candid and in-depth interview with former presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani conducted by a man who knows the mayor intimately — former chief Giuliani speechwriter and contributor John Avlon.
Those who are interested in the launch of the website can sign up and receive a special email alert when it goes live.