Digital News Report – National Volunteer Week is going on between April 10th through the 16th. Here are some websites that list volunteer activities. The week of volunteering was created in 1974 by President Richard Nixon.
There are all different kinds of volunteering activities available. You can tutor, landscape, garden, clean up, work on construction projects, disaster preparedness, and so many other activities. So you can find something that you might like to do to help out.
Here is a list of websites that you can search for volunteering opportunities near you.
These are just some of the many websites that connect people to volunteering activities. You can also volunteer online in the comfort of your home. One idea is to volunteer at, were you read out-of-copyright books for free so that people can listen to it as an audio books. Another idea is to answer questions online such as Yahoo! Answers, or at There are several more websites that let you share your knowledge with others.
By Victoria Brown