R&B singer Teddy Pendergrass died from an illness at the age of 59.
Miley Cyrus to be a Presenter at the Grammy Award Ceremony
Miley Cyrus is going to be a presenter at the Grammy Award Ceremony that airs on January 31st.
New Jersey 8 year old on Terrorist Watch List
An 8 year old boy is on the TSA terrorist watch list and he has been frisked a number of times when he flys on an airplane.
Two Lung Cancer Tests May Determine Presence and Type of Disease
Digital News Report – In the future, perhaps a simple blood test may be used to diagnose lung cancer and a breath test can determine the type. These findings were discussed as scientists shared knowledge at the Joint Conference on Molecular Origins of Lung Cancer in Coronado California on Wednesday.
These two lung cancer tests may be available in the future. The first is a blood test to determine if a patient has lung cancer.
Morphine Helps Prevent Post Traumatic Stress Disorders
Digital News Report – Quick action by first responders in the war zone and a shot of morphine may help injured soldiers cope with stress later on.
The research, which appears in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), found that of 696 soldiers injured in Iraq from 2004 to 2006, those who were administered morphine within an hour after being wounded were less likely to develop Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Aid Groups Arrive In Haiti
Digital News Report – Rescue workers from all over the United States are on their way to Haiti with medicine, equipment and water. These workers must bring everything they need because power is still out throughout most of the city of Port-au-Prince.
The American Red Cross reports that 3 million people may have been affected by the 7.0 earthquake which struck late Tuesday afternoon. Tens of thousands are believed to be dead.
Swine Flu Poised For Third Wave
Digital News Report – While the number of swine-flu cases has been leveling-off, some health care officials are worried that the virus is poised for a third wave. There were no deaths from the H1N1 in Nevada last week, but officials in San Antonio Texas say they expect a third wave.
Obesity Rates Leveling Off
Digital News Report – Although the percent of obesity Americans is still high, the rate of increase has leveled-off. The publisher of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) thought the results of this study were so important that they published them online early.
Four School Settle Kindle Lawsuits
Digital News Report – A settlement has been reached between four colleges that included the Amazon Kindle in pilot curriculum projects.
Pace University in New York, Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, and Reed College in Portland, Oregon agreed not to promote any electronic book reader unless it has been approved to be fully accessible for blind students.
Near Earth Asteroid Caught On Tape
Digital News Report – An asteroid discovered earlier this month was caught on film as it flew by the Earth just 80,000 miles away. Italian astronomers captured the rock (asteroid or comet) as it flew by Wednesday night.